Overview: The overtime alert in Buddy Punch allows you to configure daily or weekly notifications for employees, managers, or administrators. These alerts can be sent via email, push notification, or both, helping you stay informed about overtime hours.
Important: The overtime alert can only trigger on punches with a start/end time. The overtime alert will not trigger when using the time entry (duration) option.
Set Up Overtime Alert
1. Start by clicking Settings --> Alerts & Reminders:
2. Then click +Add a New Alert/Reminder:
3. You'll then be able to specify:
The name of the alert (This will be in the message to the employee)
The type (Overtime Alert)
The interval (Weekly or Daily)
And the number of hours before the alert triggers
You'll then want to choose who the message should send to and if it should be sent via email, push notification, or both. Assign the proper employees and Save once done:
4. If you need to edit or delete the alert, you can do so by choosing the Edit or Delete buttons:
Q: Can I create more than one overtime alert?
A: Yes! You can create as many overtime alerts as needed and an employee can be assigned to more than one overtime alert.