Update Billing Information

Step-by-step instructions on how to update billing information from the Billing page.

Rachel avatar
Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Overview: Your payment information and billing email can be updated from the Billing page.


Additional Resources:

Update Payment Information

1. Start by clicking Settings in the top navigation followed by Billing:

2. On the Billing page, click the Edit Billing Information button to update your payment information:

3. If you're a new Buddy Punch user coming off the trial, you will see an Add a Credit Card button instead:

Update Billing Email

1. To update your billing email, start by clicking Settings in the top navigation followed by Billing:

2. On the Billing page, click the Change link next to Email receipts will go to:


Q: Am I charged automatically every month or annually?

A: Yes, you will be charged every month or annually for your chosen plan.

Q: Will I be sent a receipt when payment is made?

A: Yes, receipts will be sent to the billing email found on the billing page.

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