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iSolved Integration Overview
iSolved Integration Overview

Step-by-step instructions on how to integrate with iSolved.

Rachel avatar
Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Overview: The integration with iSolved is done through an export/import process. When it comes time to run payroll, you simply export an iSolved-specific report and upload it into their system for payroll processing.


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Set Up iSolved

You’ll want to start off by obtaining your iSolved Client ID, Employee IDs, and iSolved Payroll Codes from within your iSolved account.

If you’re not sure where to find these codes, reach out to an iSolved representative or your payroll provider to assist you.

1. Once you've obtained your iSolved Employee IDs, Client ID, and Payroll Codes, you'll want to enable the iSolved integration in Buddy Punch. Start by going to Settings --> Integrations:

2. On the integrations page, click the iSolved Settings button:

3. Here you'll want to check the box next to "Enable integration with iSolved," enter your iSolved Client ID as well as your iSolved Payroll Codes. Save once done.

4. As a final step, you’ll want to take your Employee ID numbers obtained from your iSolved system and add them to each employee profile within Buddy Punch. The Employee ID entered into Buddy Punch needs to match what is found in iSolved to ensure all information is associated with the correct employee:

Export Time from Buddy Punch

1. To export time from Buddy Punch, start by going to Reports in the top navigation followed by Payroll Export:

2. You'll then want to select which pay period and employees you want to run the report on. Click Run Report to populate the selected data. You'll then want to export the report by clicking Export followed by iSolved Format:

Important: When exporting the iSolved file do not open and resave the file using Excel. Excel will change the format of numbers. For example, a "001" would become a "1". You will want to use notepad to edit if needed.

Import Time Into iSolved

1. Now that you've gotten your iSolved-specific report downloaded, you'll want to import it into the iSolved system. To do this:

  1. Go to Payroll Processing > Payroll Entry > Time Card Import

  2. Select Import Type “Timecard”

  3. Click the (series of dots) … box and attach your file

  4. Click Next

  5. Review any warnings or file format errors

  6. Click next

  7. When the import is complete, go to Payroll Processing > Close Pay Period & click “preview payroll”

You can then complete the payroll process.

Important. If you add new employees make sure to add their Employee ID’s to Buddy Punch so they’ll be included in the iSolved export.


Q: Time is being applied to the wrong employees in iSolved. What am I doing wrong?

A: If time is being applied to the wrong employee in iSolved, then there's likely an issue with their Employee ID not matching in both systems. Please confirm that the Employee ID in Buddy Punch and iSolved match prior to exporting.

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