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How do I create and assign a Position?

Create and assign as many Positions as needed.

Rachel avatar
Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Overview: Positions are only available with scheduling and allow you to assign as many positions to an employee as needed. There is no connection between Locations, Departments, and Positions. This means that positions do not nest under either one. They are entirely separate and can be used without Departments or Locations.

Important: When only one Position code is assigned to an employee, it will automatically be applied to their punch.


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Create Position Codes

1. Positions can be created by going to Settings --> Positions:

2. On that page, click +Add a New Position.

3. Enter a name for the Position—this is what the employee will see when punching in—and assign the proper employees.

4. Save once done:

Assign Positions to Shifts

Positions can be assigned to shifts. When creating a shift, simply click the Position dropdown and choose the proper code:

After shifts with positions have been created, you can then change your view to see how many shifts have been assigned to a certain position each day:


Q: Can Positions be associated with specific Location or Department codes?

A: No, Positions can't be linked with Locations or Department Codes. If you need multiple levels of linked tracking, consider using Locations and Department Codes.

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