Overview: With the maximum time off balance option, you can specify the maximum amount of time off an employee can accrue/earn.
Important: The maximum time off is not a hard cap. Employees can continue to accrue time off after using some of their balance, up to the set max.
βEnable Time Off & Accruals
βSet a Maximum Time Off Balance
Enable Time Off & Accruals
1. To enable time off and accruals, start by clicking Settings in the top navigation followed by Time Off:
2. Check the box next to Allow Employee Time Off and Save:
3. And then check the box next to Allow Employee Time Off Accruals and Save:
Set a Maximum Time Off Balance
Once time off and accruals have been enabled, you can then set a maximum time off balance for all or select employees.
1. To set a maximum time off balance, start by clicking Settings followed by Time Off:
β2. From the Time Off Earning Codes section, you can then select Edit next to the time off earning code you'd like to enable a maximum time off balance for:
3. You will want to start by checking the box next to Set a maximum hours allowed. If you want new employees to take on a default maximum, enter that in the box below the main setting:
4. You can use the Apply default to all current employees button to populate the max for pre-existing employees or you can manually enter a maximum for each employee:
5. Click Save once done.
6. Moving forward, if an accrual takes place that hits the maximum, it will be noted in the Time Off History for that time off earning code:
Q: Can an Administrator or Manager override the maximum and add more time off than specified?
A: No, if an Administrator or Manager adds an accrual and the employee is at their maximum time off balance, they will receive an error like shown here.
Q: Can I set the maximum for every time off type?
A: Yes, each time off type has its own maximum hours allowed setting.