Overview: The Payroll Export report, which is the most commonly used report for payroll processing, allows you to view the total number of hours worked over the course of a pay period. This includes regular, overtime, double-time as well as paid time off.
Export options include:
Specific payroll provider format
Additional Resources:
Run The Payroll Export Report
1. Start by clicking Reports in the top navigation followed by Payroll Export:
2. From there you can:
Select A Pay Period
Select Employees
Choose Location, Department, or Position Codes
And Run Report once done:
3. After employee data populates, click the Export option followed by your export option of choice:
4. When you make your selection, the report will be immediately downloaded to your specific downloads folder:
Q: Why don't I see my payroll provider in the export dropdown?
A: If you don't see your payroll provider in the export dropdown, then likely an integration hasn't been set up. You can set up payroll provider integrations by going to Settings --> Integrations.