Overview: When using time off and accruals, employees can earn time on a specific date, such as their employment anniversary.
Important: To create an anniversary accrual, you first need to have your time off earning codes set up and included in accruals. This article explains that process: Enable Time Off & Accruals
Create An Anniversary Accrual Rule
1. Start by clicking Settings in the top navigation followed by Time Off:
2. Click Accrual Rules in the left-hand menu and once at that section, click + Add a New Time Off Accrual Rule:
3. You can then specify:
Accrual Rule Name
Accrual Frequency (Yearly in this case)
Accrual Date
Time Off Type to Accrue Under
Number of Hours to Accrue
Assigned Employees
4. Save once done.
Q: Can I automatically move an employee from one accrual rule to another?
A: No, we are not currently able to automatically move employees from one rule to another, this would need to be managed manually but you can set the Anniversary Reminder to alert you as needed.