How to Create and Publish Scheduled Shifts—Administrator (Web)
Schedule Employees In Different Time Zones
How Do I Publish Or Unpublish A Shift?
How do I filter shifts?
How do I move a shift?
How Do I Delete A Shift?
How can I view more employees on the schedule?
How do I print a shift schedule?
Add, Update, Delete Schedules (App)
How do I sort my employees on the schedule?
How To Notify Employees Once Their Shift Is Published.
How can I see how many hours have been scheduled?
Updating or Deleting Shifts (Web)
How to Add Notes to a Scheduled Shift—Administrator (Web/App)
How can I view an employee's schedule as a Manager or Administrator?
How Do I Clear Shifts?
Updating or Deleting Shifts (Web)
How to Create and Publish a Schedule
Adding and Editing Repeating Shifts
Adding, Updating & Deleting Repeating Shifts
How to Add Work Hours for Scheduled Time—Administrator (Web)